Best Backyard Homestead Tools

I’ve spent countless hours in and on our backyard homestead – and spent even more time researching and testing the best gear on the market. These are the tools that have survived regular use – and maybe even some abuse courtesy of our four children.

These items will be quality tools, gear, and resources – but they won’t necessarily be the most expensive things on the market. Because as a mom, nurse, budgeting fan, and minimalist, I’m a firm believer in finding what works within my budget. My goal for this resource page is to recommend quality, well-priced gear. In other words – this is the stuff we use, love, and would recommend to family and friends.

An image of our chickens with the text overlay bet animal resources
An image of our food storage with text overlay reading "Best food storage."
An image of our backyard with a graphic of a computer and our chickens with text overlay reading best downloads.

An image of our coop, tools, and goat shed
An image of our garden, garden tools, and text overlay best gardening tools
an image of our food storage with text overlay best blogging tools

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