Best Garden Tools

Gardening is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that can bring a sense of accomplishment and tranquility. To get started, it’s essential to have the right tools on hand.

From digging and planting to pruning and weeding, having the proper gardening tools will make your experience more enjoyable and your plants healthier. A well-equipped gardener typically has a solid collection of essential tools, including rakes, shovels, pruners, and trowels. More experienced gardeners may find specialized tools necessary for specific tasks, such as edging tools, garden knives, and transplanters.

As you embark on your gardening journey, remember to invest in high-quality, durable tools that will stand up to the test of time. Your garden deserves the best, and with the right set of gardening tools, you’ll be on your way to creating a beautiful sanctuary that you can enjoy for years to come.

Essential Gardening Tools

These are some of the basic tools that every gardener will need.


A hoe is a versatile garden tool that helps you with various tasks, such as weeding and breaking up the soil. There are different types of hoes, including the Japanese Hand Garden Hoe and the Gardener’s Supply Lifetime Half-Moon Hoe. When choosing a hoe, consider the work you’ll be doing and your gardening space.

Shears and Pruners

Pruning and trimming are essential tasks for maintaining your garden’s health and appearance. For these tasks, consider using the following tools:

  • Pruning shears: Ideal for cutting branches, stems, and removing dead parts of your flowers and herbs, pruning shears are a must-have tool.
  • Garden scissors: These are perfect for deadheading, snipping herbs, and trimming flower stems. They aren’t meant to replace pruning shears but rather complement them.
  • Loppers: Loppers can give you extra leverage for clean cuts if you have thicker branches or woody plants.

Regular pruning and trimming can promote growth, prevent diseases, and help plants maintain their desired shape.

Every gardener needs a set of garden clippers and a pair of long-handled shears.


A shovel is an essential gardening tool for digging large holes or moving soil. The exact type of shovel you’ll need depends on the job, but getting a basic digging shovel and a square shovel will get you through most basic situations.

Weeding and Cultivating

Weeding is an essential task to keep your garden healthy and free of unwanted plants. To make this task easier, you can use a variety of weeding tools, such as:

  • Hand weeder: Also known as a dandelion digger, this tool allows you to remove individual weeds by their roots.
  • Garden hoe: Useful for dislodging weeds from larger areas, a garden hoe is also helpful for breaking up soil clumps and cultivating your garden.
  • Cultivator: A cultivator, like a hand cultivator or a long-handled one, can help you loosen the soil and remove weeds simultaneously.

Remember to weed regularly, especially around your flowers, vegetables, and fruits, to prevent unwanted plants from taking up valuable space and nutrients.

In my opinion, the best weeder is the Cape Cod weeder. I’ve got a hand-held one and a long-handled version made by Red Pig Tools.

Planting and Transplanting (Hand Trowel, Rake, and Garden Fork)

Whether you’re planting new seeds or transplanting existing plants, the right tools can make all the difference. Consider using these tools for your planting and transplanting tasks:

  • Trowel: A trowel is a versatile tool for digging small holes, transplanting seedlings, and even weeding between plants. Getting a basic, ergonomic trowel (like this one) is a solid bet.
  • Spade: A sturdy spade is excellent for digging larger holes for planting and transferring larger plants.
  • Garden fork: A garden fork is useful for loosening soil and breaking up compacted areas before planting.
  • Hand rake: Finally, a hand rake is essential for keeping your garden tidy by swiftly removing leaves and debris from your garden beds.

Additionally, when transplanting, handle your plants carefully to avoid damaging their roots, and place them in their new location as quickly as possible to minimize stress.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Tools

Gardening requires time and effort, so keeping your tools in good condition is essential. Proper maintenance will ensure their longevity and efficiency. This section will cover the basics of cleaning, sharpening, and storing your tools.


Cleaning your garden tools is crucial in preventing the spread of diseases and keeping them functioning efficiently. Follow these simple steps to clean your tools:

  1. Remove soil with a garden hose or use a putty knife to remove stuck-on mud source.
  2. Soak your tools in a heavy-duty bucket filled with hot water and dishwashing liquid to remove any residual soil. Use only one-half teaspoon of dishwashing liquid per gallon of water source.
  3. For rusty or dirty tools, try soaking them in a solution of vinegar and water, and then scrub with steel wool source.
  4. To sanitize your tools, consider soaking them in a bleach and water solution before rinsing and drying source.

It’s advisable to clean your tools regularly, especially after working with diseased plants or when switching between plant varieties.


Sharp tools are essential for precise cutting and reduced effort. Keep the following tips in mind when sharpening your tools:

  • Use a whetstone or fine file to sharpen the cutting edge for smaller cutting tools like pruners and shears.
  • Use a rectangular mill file for larger tools like shovels, hoes, and spades, moving it at a consistent angle along the blade.
  • Remember to wear gloves for protection while sharpening your tools.


Proper storage is vital for extending the life of your garden tools. Here are some tips for storing your tools:

  • Make sure to clean and dry your tools before storage.
  • Hang or store your tools upright to avoid damage and protect the cutting edges.
  • Keep your tools in a cool, dry place like a shed or garage, away from humidity and moisture.

With proper care and maintenance, your gardening tools will serve you well, making your gardening experience more enjoyable and efficient.

Additional Gardening Tools, Equipment, and Accessories

When working outside, these other tools can make life easier, depending on your setup.

Outdoor Power Equipment

Sometimes, you need a bit more power to complete certain gardening tasks. This outdoor power equipment can help you save time and effort:

  • Lawn Mowers: Use push, riding, or even robotic mowers to maintain a good-looking lawn.
  • String Trimmers: These devices can help you achieve clean edges around your garden beds and walkways by quickly cutting overgrown grass.
  • Leaf Blowers: Keep your garden tidy by clearing leaves, debris, and dirt using a powerful leaf blower.

Always prioritize safety while using power equipment, and store them securely when not in use.

Composting and Fertilizing Tools

Promoting healthy plant growth requires proper amendments to your garden soil. By incorporating compost and fertilizer into your garden, you can ensure your plants receive the essential nutrients they need:

Don’t underestimate the power of well-composted organic matter and properly applied fertilizers in promoting plant health and productivity.

Combining these additional gardening accessories into your routine will help you achieve a lush, beautiful outdoor space. Happy gardening!

Where to Buy Gardening Tools

Home Depot

Home Depot is an excellent place to start when you’re looking to purchase gardening tools. You can visit their Garden Center either in-store or online, allowing you to find all the essential tools you need quickly and easily.

At Home Depot, you’ll discover a wide range of gardening tools, such as:

  • Pruners
  • Shears
  • Shovels
  • Garden rakes
  • Weeders

Additionally, Home Depot offers popular, professional-grade tools, which help ensure you have the best equipment for your garden. Another benefit of Home Depot is its affordable pricing and frequent promotions, making it easy to find the right tools within your budget.

Red Pig Garden Tools

We’ve got multiple Red Pig Garden tools, and they are amazing. They are handcrafted, quality tools that will last you a long time. They will cost you more than buying a similar-looking tool at Home Depot. But there is a definite quality difference. We aren’t an affiliate for them, but only because they don’t do affiliates. Just go to to see the difference.

Gardener’s Edge

Another option for quality gardening tools is Gardener’s Edge (no affiliation). They offer many tools for any gardening job, from delicate pruning to heavy-duty trimming. Some essentials at Gardener’s Edge include the Leonard Deluxe Soil Knife and Sheath Combo, with a lifetime warranty.

Harbor Freight Tools

For even more selection, check out Harbor Freight Tools. They have a fantastic assortment of specialized gardening tools like sprayers, wagons, and greenhouses. You’ll also find top-quality outdoor power tools such as mowers, blowers, trimmers, and pumps, catering to the needs of both professionals and homeowners.

We have bought some tools from Harbor Freight like our wood chipper and our pressure washer.


At Lowe’s, you can find various lawn and garden hand tools such as shovels, pruning shears, rakes, and wheelbarrows. They also offer unique gardening products like loppers, pruning saws, and hedge shears that cater to specific tasks in your garden.

Lastly, offers a selection of gardening tools designed to make your gardening experience effortless. With options for every stage of the gardening season, their tools can assist with planting, weeding, harvesting, and even preparing your garden for winter.

No matter which retailer you choose, having the right tools will make your gardening experience more enjoyable and successful. Good luck with your gardening endeavors!