Can You Freeze Food in Pyrex? Here’s the Truth

When you think of storing dry or fresh foods or freezing cooked or left-over foods, you think of something durable and hardy, able to withstand the cold of the freezer, or being bumped around on your pantry shelf for a while.  

You can freeze food in Pyrex, from fresh meat to cooked leftovers, to raw or cooked vegetables, or simple soups and sauces. Pyrex can be used in the freezer, refrigerator, microwave oven, dishwasher, or simply used to serve food at the dinner table.

Freezing food to keep fresh for later consumption is a great way to preserve your surplus foods, or you can simply cook meals in bulk and store them in smaller portions for eating later in the month. There are several different ways to preserve and store food, but to do so requires great containers. Pyrex is the ideal storage container to use for freezing your favorite foods.

An image of various food containers like Pyrex, plastic, and glass container filled with food.

Can You Freeze Food In Pyrex?

Yes, food is safe to freeze in Pyrex glassware containers, whether cooked or raw. Follow the tips laid out further in this article on how to freeze food in Pyrex, and you should enjoy good, tasty food every time you use a Pyrex container to preserve your food for later consumption.

Can Pyrex Explode Or Shatter In The Freezer?

There are instances when Pyrex can shatter in the freezer. This will generally only happen when there is a sudden change in temperature. To prevent this from ever happening to you, make sure that you do not place a sealed Pyrex container with piping hot food into the freezer. Read all the manufacturers’ instructions before you use the containers for freezing food.

How To Defrost Food In Pyrex

The best way to defrost your frozen Pyrex food is to take the container out of the freezer and place it either into the refrigerator to defrost or stand it on a clean, dry kitchen towel on top of a counter or table.

Important Note: Always make sure that your preferred method of defrosting food is in line with safe food handling practices – and keep food out of the “danger zone” where bacteria grows best.

Do not attempt to defrost the container by placing the frozen bowl directly into a bowl of hot water as the Pyrex bowl will shatter. Only place the container in the microwave or the oven to reheat once the food has completely defrosted.

Can Pyrex Go from the Freezer to Microwave?

While Pyrex’s website says that their glass containers can go directly from the freezer into the microwave, it may be best to remove the food and reheat it in a different container. This is because glass can experience thermal shock when it changes temperature too quickly.

Translation: glass explodes if it changes temperature too fast.

Slow temperature changes should be fine in a glass dish. So if you’re going to put a Pyrex into a microwave on a lower-powered mode (like a defrost), then you’re probably safer than if you’re going to nuke it on high. However, it’s still definitely safest to microwave your foods in something that’s not likely to explode.

Important note: some microwaves use full power to defrost – they simply have the full power on for only part of the time. Then, it cycles between “on” and “off” to defrost your foods. If your foods tend to look partially cooked after a defrost cycle, then your microwave may not have an inverter to actually lower the power. If this is the case, you’ll want to be more careful using glass in your microwave than if your microwave has a power inverter to control the lower-powered settings.

Top Tips To Freeze Food In Pyrex

As with most methods of freezing different foods for storage, there is a right way and a wrong way. Have a look at our quick how-to guide on freezing foods in Pyrex:

  • Clean the containers and lids that you are going to use with soap and water and dry thoroughly.
  • The food that is going into the containers must be cold. If the food is warm when the lid is placed on top and sealed, water condensation will cause the contents of the container to become watery.
  • Once the food is placed into the container, lift the edge of the lid slightly to allow air to be released. Press the lid down until tightly sealed. By making certain that the air is removed from the container, the food will keep fresh for longer, and freezer burn will be prevented.
  • If you are freezing soups and sauces, make sure there is enough space between the food and the lid for the food to expand during the freezing process. Liquids expand when frozen into a solid.
  • Use the right size container for the food that you are storing. There should be some extra room for liquids (see above).
  • Use a dry-erase marker to label the lids of the containers. List the food item and the date that the food was packed for easier identification.
  • Stack the containers in your freezer until needed.

Which Foods Can You Freeze In Pyrex?

Other than the obvious leftovers, or fresh meat, there are many different foods that can be stored and frozen in Pyrex containers for later consumption. These include:

  • Pasta dishes – cooked or raw
  • Soup – leave to cool before placing in the freezer
  • Cookie dough or baked cookies – Take the cookie dough out of the wrapping and place it into a container
  • Stuffed vegetables – bake before you freeze; these taste great when defrosted!
  • Berries – spread out over a baking sheet to freeze, then place into a container
  • Pasta Sauce – tastes even better after freezing and defrosting
  • Pancakes – wrap in freezer wrap and place in a container
  • Herbs – chop and freeze in smaller containers

If you’re exclusively using glass containers to freeze foods, then you may want to change how your shelves are configured in your freezer. You may also want to make use of some storage systems that will make it easier for you to see what’s in the back row.

How Long Will Food Keep In The Freezer In Pyrex?

There are many different foods that can be frozen to be eaten later. Just as different fresh foods have a different shelf-life, so too do the foods that you are going to freeze. Here is a quick freezer guide on how long certain foods can be kept in the freezer:

1. Dairy

Some dairy products are suitable to freeze, while others may separate when defrosted or become grainy. Remember to use the appropriately sized container when freezing these items.

  • Butter – store for six months. Wrap with freezer wrap before placing it in the container.
  • Cheese – store for six months. Wrap in freezer wrap, no more than ½ pound (25grams) at a time. It will be a little crumbly when defrosted but will taste as good.
  • Cream Cheese – store for four months. Use in cooking or dips when defrosted.
  • Whipping cream – store for three months. Freeze in smaller individual portions.
  • Yogurt – store for three months. Pour into smaller containers for individual portions.

2. Meat And Poultry

When you buy in bulk, separate the meat or poultry into smaller portions. That way, you can cook what you need and eliminate wastage. Do remember that any left-over cooked foods can be frozen in the correct-sized Pyrex container to be defrosted and eaten later.

  • Beef – store for 12 months
  • Lamb – store for nine months
  • Liver – store for two months
  • Pork – store for six months
  • Poultry, raw – store for six months

3. Other Foods That Freeze Well In Pyrex

Other than the usual foods that we like to freeze, there are a few that might seem unusual but do also freeze very well and are great to eat or use in your cooked dishes.

  • Vegetables – store for 12 months.
  • Nuts – store for 12 months. Whole or chopped.
  • Fruit – 12 months. Whole or chopped.
  • Egg yolks, out of the shell – 3 months – add 1/8 tsp salt or ½ tsp sugar for every four egg yolks.
  • Egg whites, out of the shell – 12 months.
  • Desiccated coconut – 12 months.
  • Bread, cakes, and cookies – 3 to 4 months. Freeze in individual portions in the correct-sized containers.
  • Coffee ground or beans – store in a clear container in the freezer to keep fresh.

Foods That Don’t Freeze Well In Pyrex

Surprisingly there are foods that do not freeze well! If you do freeze these foods, you may have to discard them once thawed and waste the food! Don’t be tempted to try and freeze these foods – you will be disappointed at the result!

  • Cooked egg whites.
  • Mayonnaise or salad dressings.
  • Canned refrigerator biscuits – best to bake first, then freeze.
  • Salad greens – you won’t recognize any of the greens as they will turn to mush.
  • Raw tomatoes – if you do freeze them, only use them for cooking once thawed.
  • Custard – the mixture will separate once thawed. Seriously. Just eat the custard.
  • Cream pies with meringue – The cream will separate, and the meringue will become a sticky mess.

Some of these overlap with foods that don’t freeze-dry well – if you’re wanting more info on freeze-drying food wins and fails, make sure you read my article on 79 foods that freeze-dry well (and 17 that don’t).

Advantages Of Freezing Foods In Pyrex

There are many advantages to storing and freezing your food in Pyrex containers.

  1. Pyrex is clean and pretty. Your freezer space will be neat and tidy, and you will be able to see what is in each container clearly.
  2. Glass does not absorb odors. Odors from the current frozen and defrosted foods will not linger and contaminate the next food placed into it.
  3. Durable and safe. Glass containers can be reused many times without fear of contamination.
  4. Glass is a good heat absorber. Glass does not change its structure when heated, unlike plastic. You can place hot food directly into glass containers without fear of melting or cracking.

A quick caveat on #4 – glass doesn’t change shape when heated or cooled as long as the temperature change isn’t too sudden. A sudden change of temperature can cause a shock that will shatter the glass.

Conclusion on Storing Food in Pyrex

Freezing all types of surplus foods for later consumption is a great way to extend the shelf-life of many food items. Freezing produce retains its freshness and nutritional value for a long time.

To keep your frozen foods looking and tasting good, you need to preserve them in excellent containers. Pyrex offers many different shapes and sizes of glass containers, suitable for storing and freezing many items, saving you money and time.

However, if storing your food in the freezer has your freezer too full, then I highly recommend you invest in a freeze dryer. It’s been a fantastic way for us to store our favorite foods (that otherwise would need to be in a freezer) at room temperature safely for years. The freeze dryer we recommend is Harvest Right – read more about why they’re my top pick here.


Learning from your own experience is essential, but learning from others is also intelligent. These are the sources used in this article and our research to be more informed as homesteaders.

  • Can Pyrex Snapware Go in the Freezer?,
  • “Glassware.” Pyrex® | Giving Leftovers New Life: Easy Freezer Tips,
  • Meg Marco Last updated: January 30, 2007, and Meg Marco. “Why Pyrex Bowls ‘Explode.’” Consumer Reports,
  • “North Dakota State University.” Food Freezing Basics: Freezing Dairy Products, Eggs and Other Foods – Publications,

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